Kumihimo Shoelaces

I tend to start every project with what I think is going to be a definite plan.
Life laughs at my plans. And, honestly, that may be for the best, because happy accidents often bring me great joy (amidst the frustration of plans gone awry).

Sticking to some of the colour plans didn’t quite unfold how I thought it would, but, the kumihimo braiding process is so much fun! I’ve been primarily working with an 8-strand braid pattern (keeping it simple) for a pair of 60-inch laces for my boots. The rhythm of the braiding is ah-mazing and reminds me of something similar from my childhood. ( ᐛ )و

I detest the installation of the aglets - at least the first iterations of the ones I got (the nail on my right thumb has a bone to pick with one particular brass aglet -_-). Not shown is the 2-inch difference with the lengths of each lace, because I thought I could get away with not giving myself a minimum working length of three times the final product (ha!).

In any event, as far as processes go, I don’t mind this one. The braiding is fun, and the pattern combinations are vast. Also, my search for metal aglets that aren’t trying to amputate a limb continues …


“Threading Black” Exhibition


Exploring 3D Printing